Wanderlust is f*cking hilarious. For those of you that, like me, live under a rock and don't have a TV (no seriously, I don't) here's the trailer:
It is exactly my type of humor. The guy who did Role Models is responsible for this ridiculous movie and I freaking loved it. Maybe it was because I have weird hippie tendencies that tend to surface from time to time, maybe it's because I make fun of myself and other hippies, maybe it's because I actually know people who are as ridiculous as the people in the commune that they go live in. Either way, you should go see it. I laughed like a hyena the entire time. I have a cackle. It's gross. It scares people. I don't like Jennifer Aniston though. Sorry bout it. She annoys me and I think she looks like a mouse. Team Angelina all the way. Her character even pissed me off. But it's ok. It was still good.
I went out Saturday night. It was funny. I can't drink beer anymore and I don't like hard liquor or spirits because they wreak havoc on my stomach, but I don't like asking for a glass of red wine at a college bar like a pretentious asshole. Solution? I drink wine out of a plastic cup. Then switch to water. I'm such a party animal. No but really, it was fun. I can make a fool out of myself even while I'm sober. Best part is I'm able to drive home and snuggle up with Elle when the night has run its course.

Today we're going to look at a few recipes for my favorite meal: breakfast. I live for breakfast. It comes with eggs - yum - hot sauce - double yum - and other really cool things like pepper! K that's only 3 things. But guess what, you can make breakfast fun! I'm usually lazy and fry up a couple eggs and some egg whites, but when I'm feeling ambitious I like to make Hellish Eggs. Originally modified from a recipe called "Eggs in Purgatory" from some website I don't remember, Hellish Eggs kick a$$. They're spicy, fiery, and poached in a devilish tomato sauce. Without further ado...
Hellish Eggs:
Enough sauce/space for about 4 eggs
- 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
- 1 small white onion, chopped (course or fine depending on your onion preferences - for example, Mark will not eat onions if he can feel their texture, so he'd go the finely chopped route, weirdo)
- 3 garlic cloves, minced - or more, obviously
- 1 tsp crushed red pepper - depending on how spicy you like things this may be too much or too little, as always, I guesstimate with spices
- 1 tsp course ground pepper
- 1 can (14.5 oz) fire roasted, no salt added diced tomatoes
- 4 large eggs
- Fresh basil leaves, for garnish
1. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a skillet and add chopped onions. Saute until somewhat translucent, about 5-8 minutes.
2. Add garlic, crushed red pepper and coarse ground pepper and sauté about a minute longer, or until the garlic is fragrant.
3. Stir in the diced tomatoes with their juices and bring to a steady boil, reduce to a simmer and let it sit for about 5 minutes. You can wait longer if you want the tomato sauce to thicken a lot, but it's not necessary for the flavor/consistency.
5. For runny yolks - cook, covered around 6 minutes. For set yolks, 3-4 minutes longer. Use your finger to push down on them every minute or so to get desired yolk-hardness. I'm so technical with all my timings/vocabulary.
6. Use a spatula without slots and serve the eggs with equal tomato sauce. Garnish with basil leaves and more pepper if you'd like.
A note about these: don't forget to cover!!! I did the first time I made these and it took about 20 minutes for me to realize that my eggs weren't gettin' hard. Stooopid ET. This breakfast is the bomb though. I'm borderline obsessed with it and it's really easy to make too. I often scale it back and use half a can for 2-3 eggs. You can also store excess Hellish Eggs in the fridge and eat them cold for lunch. If your yolks are hard they kinda taste like hardboiled eggs. With spicy tomato sauce under them.
Another take on breakfast that's super easy also includes tomato, basil, and my favorite: PINE NUTS.
It's essentially a caprese egg white omelette.
Caprese Egg White Omelette:
All you need are:
Egg whites (about 1/2 a cup) - pour 'em in a pan sprayed with olive oil on medium heat and let them turn a little opaque.
Tomato slices - stick em on top of the egg whites.
Basil - shred it, stick flutter (new verb) the pieces around the tomatoes in the egg whites.
Pine Nuts - crushed into little chunks, fluttered evenly around the tomatoes.
Coarse Ground Pepper - sprinkled on top of everything
Garlic Powder - ditto to the above step.

I garnish with - you guessed it - more pine nuts. But you can do more basil as well!
I don't know why I just remembered this and why I feel compelled to tell you but I painted one hand of nails yesterday. Just the left side because I'm not skilled enough to do the right. I must have looked ridiculous today. Who paints only ONE side of their nails? This girl.
The above photo is my advice to you for today.
Also, check out this article on the toxicity of sugar sent to me by my Padre, to whom I owe credit for actually being somewhat decent on the rower.
TTFN - ta ta for now!
I'm making these hellish eggs tonight, cousin. (why does that sound hillbilly?) Anyway, if they don't turn out right, don't worry- I'll blame your dad.